Indicators are able to react to the keyboard and mouse events.
The following methods, which could be redefined in the indicator, are envisaged for these purposes:
public class SampleKeyboardAndMouseProcessor :
private bool _selected;
private Rectangle _rectangle = new Rectangle(30, 30, 150, 50);
private Point _pressedPoint;
private Point _lastPoint;
private bool _pressed;
public SampleKeyboardAndMouseProcessor()
: base(true)
EnableCustomDrawing = true;
DenyToChangePanel = true;
DataSeries[0].IsHidden = true;
#region Overrides of BaseIndicator
protected override void OnCalculate(int bar, decimal value)
protected override void OnRender(RenderContext context,
DrawingLayouts layout)
context.FillRectangle(System.Drawing.Color.Coral, _rectangle);
if (_selected)
context.DrawRectangle(new RenderPen(System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 3), _rectangle);
new RenderFont(
"Arial", 20), System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue, _rectangle,
new RenderStringFormat(){ LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, Alignment = StringAlignment.Center });
public override bool ProcessMouseClick(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse click");
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseDown(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse down");
if (e.Button == RenderControlMouseButtons.Left && IsPointInsideRectangle(_rectangle, e.Location))
_pressedPoint = _lastPoint = e.Location;
_pressed = true;
return true;
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseUp(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse up");
if (Math.Abs(e.Location.X - _pressedPoint.X) < 4 && Math.Abs(e.Location.Y - _pressedPoint.Y) < 4 && e.Button == RenderControlMouseButtons.Left && IsPointInsideRectangle(_rectangle, e.Location))
_selected = !_selected;
_pressed = false;
return true;
if (_pressed)
_pressed = false;
return true;
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseMove(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
if (_pressed && _selected)
var dX = e.Location.X - _lastPoint.X;
var dY = e.Location.Y - _lastPoint.Y;
_lastPoint = e.Location;
_rectangle.X += dX;
_rectangle.Y += dY;
return true;
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseDoubleClick(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse double click");
return false;
public override bool ProcessKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Key down {0}", e.Key);
return false;
public override bool ProcessKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Key up {0}", e.Key);
return false;
public override StdCursor GetCursor(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
if (_selected && IsPointInsideRectangle(_rectangle, e.Location))
return StdCursor.Hand;
return StdCursor.NULL;
private bool IsPointInsideRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, Point point)
return point.X >= rectangle.X && point.X <= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width && point.Y >= rectangle.Y && point.Y <= rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height;
Base class for custom indicators.
Definition Indicator.cs:42
Definition FeatureId.cs:2
Enumerates the different drawing layouts available for chart drawings.
Definition DrawingLayouts.cs:14