No Matches
Working with the keyboard and mouse


Indicators are able to react to the keyboard and mouse events.
The following methods, which could be redefined in the indicator, are envisaged for these purposes:

Each of these methods should return true or false.
If the method returns true, it means that the indicator processed this event and there is no need to call this event in the following indicators.
This logic is required for situations when there are a number of indicators in the chart and only one of them (the one that was the first to process the event) should process the event.
Also, in some cases, depending on the mouse position, it is necessary to have a possibility to change the cursor. The GetCursor(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e) method is envisaged for this purpose.
Having redefined this method, the cursor could be returned depending on the mouse position.

Example of working with these events:

public class SampleKeyboardAndMouseProcessor : Indicator
private bool _selected;
private Rectangle _rectangle = new Rectangle(30, 30, 150, 50);
private Point _pressedPoint;
private Point _lastPoint;
private bool _pressed;
public SampleKeyboardAndMouseProcessor()
: base(true)
EnableCustomDrawing = true;
DenyToChangePanel = true;
DataSeries[0].IsHidden = true;
#region Overrides of BaseIndicator
protected override void OnCalculate(int bar, decimal value)
protected override void OnRender(RenderContext context, DrawingLayouts layout)
context.FillRectangle(System.Drawing.Color.Coral, _rectangle);
if (_selected)
context.DrawRectangle(new RenderPen(System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 3), _rectangle);
context.DrawString(DateTime.Now.ToString("T"), new RenderFont("Arial", 20), System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue, _rectangle, new RenderStringFormat(){ LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, Alignment = StringAlignment.Center });
public override bool ProcessMouseClick(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse click");
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseDown(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse down");
if (e.Button == RenderControlMouseButtons.Left && IsPointInsideRectangle(_rectangle, e.Location))
_pressedPoint = _lastPoint = e.Location;
_pressed = true;
return true;
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseUp(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse up");
if (Math.Abs(e.Location.X - _pressedPoint.X) < 4 && Math.Abs(e.Location.Y - _pressedPoint.Y) < 4 && e.Button == RenderControlMouseButtons.Left && IsPointInsideRectangle(_rectangle, e.Location))
_selected = !_selected;
_pressed = false;
return true;
if (_pressed)
_pressed = false;
return true;
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseMove(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
if (_pressed && _selected)
var dX = e.Location.X - _lastPoint.X;
var dY = e.Location.Y - _lastPoint.Y;
_lastPoint = e.Location;
_rectangle.X += dX;
_rectangle.Y += dY;
return true;
return false;
public override bool ProcessMouseDoubleClick(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Mouse double click");
return false;
public override bool ProcessKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Key down {0}", e.Key);
return false;
public override bool ProcessKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
this.LogInfo("Key up {0}", e.Key);
return false;
public override StdCursor GetCursor(RenderControlMouseEventArgs e)
if (_selected && IsPointInsideRectangle(_rectangle, e.Location))
return StdCursor.Hand;
return StdCursor.NULL;
private bool IsPointInsideRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, Point point)
return point.X >= rectangle.X && point.X <= rectangle.X + rectangle.Width && point.Y >= rectangle.Y && point.Y <= rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height;
Base class for custom indicators.
Definition Indicator.cs:42
Definition FeatureId.cs:2
Enumerates the different drawing layouts available for chart drawings.
Definition DrawingLayouts.cs:14
Working with the "GetCursor" method