You can grant access to the developed indicators or strategy(modules) for any ATAS user, set the access expiration date and turn off access at any moment of time.
To do it, it is necessary to:
To activate the option of loading module, you need:
Preparation of a module Every module, which would be distributed among other users, should have a unique identifier. The FeatureId attribute is designed for it. This attribute should be assigned to each module, which is included into the distributed package, specifying a unique string identifier.
One and the same identifier could be assigned to several modules. In such a case, you will be able to control the access of the whole group of modules from the Personal Area.
After the module is ready, it is necessary to compile it. We also recommend obfuscating the module for its protection.
Loading the module into the service:
After creating the module, you get the link to the dll file loaded to the service.
You can send this link to your users for downloading the module.
Also, for each such module, you can specify users, who have access to it, and the date of access expiration.
If a user has a downloaded module but has no access or access expired, the user will not see this module in the platform and will not be able to use it.