Public Member Functions | |
void | CheckClientMode () |
abstract void | DropMarketDataConnection () |
abstract void | DropTradingConnection () |
abstract void | DropMarketDataConnectionDuringConnecting () |
abstract void | DropTradingConnectionDuringConnecting () |
Task | DropMarketDataConnectionCoupleTimes (int reboots) |
![]() | |
void | Connect () |
Asynchronously starts connection processConnected event will fire indicating successful connection. | |
async Task | ConnectAsync () |
Asynchronously starts connection process. | |
void | Disconnect () |
async Task | DisconnectAsync () |
Asynchronously starts disconnection process. | |
void | SearchSecurities (SecurityFilter filter) |
Найти инструменты по заданному фильтру. | |
Task< IEnumerable< Security > > | SearchSecuritiesAsync (SecurityFilter filter) |
void | SubscribeToMarketData (IEnumerable< Security > securities, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
void | SubscribeToMarketData (Security security, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
Подписка на маркет дату | |
void | UnsubscribeFromMarketData (IEnumerable< Security > securities, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
void | UnsubscribeFromMarketData (Security security, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
Отписка от маркет даты | |
IEnumerable< string > | GetRoutes (Security security) |
IEnumerable< Portfolio > | GetPortfolios (Security security) |
Order | TryGetOrder (long extId) |
bool | TryGetOrder (string marketOrderId, out Order? order) |
Task | RegisterOrderAsync (Order order) |
Task | ModifyOrderAsync (Order order, Order newOrder) |
Task | CancelOrderAsync (Order order) |
void | RegisterOrder (Order order) |
void | ModifyOrder (Order order, Order newOrder) |
Модификация цены ордера. | |
void | CancelOrder (Order order) |
Position | GetPosition (Portfolio portfolio, Security security, TPlusLimits? tPlusLimit) |
async Task | ClosePositionAsync (Position position) |
async Task | ClosePositionsAsync (Portfolio portfolio) |
async Task | ChangeMarginParametersAsync (Position position, bool? isIsolated, decimal? leverage) |
async Task | ChangeIsolatedMarginAsync (Position position, decimal value) |
virtual ? decimal | CalcLiquidationPrice (Position position, decimal margin) |
virtual ? decimal? decimal maxRemovable | CalcIsolatedMarginChangeRange (Position position) |
decimal | ConvertCurrency (Security security, string currencyFrom, string currencyTo, decimal volume, decimal? limitPrice=null, bool roundToLotSize=true) |
Converts volume from one currency to another Used for Notional value calculation. | |
decimal? | CalcMaxOrderVolume (OrderTypes orderType, Security security, Portfolio portfolio, OrderDirections direction, decimal? limitPrice=null) |
Gets max possible volume for the order This function is always return null if IsSupportedMaxOrderCalculation is false. | |
decimal? | CalcOrderCost (OrderTypes orderType, Security security, Portfolio portfolio, OrderDirections direction, decimal? limitPrice, decimal volume, out object? detailing, bool giveDetailing=false) |
Calculates total order cost including commissions and initial margin and everything else This function is always return null if IsSupportedMaxOrderCalculation is false. | |
ISecurityTradingOptions? | GetSecurityTradingOptions (Security security) |
Gets possible TimeInForce for order and optional flags that may be passed when order is created If null default behaviour is expected: TimeInForce = DAY, GTC, FOK No order flags | |
Task< IEnumerable< MyTrade > > | GetMyTradesAsync (Portfolio portfolio, Security security, DateTime from, DateTime to) |
Get a list of my trades. | |
bool | CanSetPositionAveragePrice (Position position) |
void | SetPositionAveragePrice (Position position, decimal avgPrice) |
void | DropMarketDataConnection () |
void | DropTradingConnection () |
void | DropMarketDataConnectionDuringConnecting () |
void | DropTradingConnectionDuringConnecting () |
Task | DropMarketDataConnectionCoupleTimes (int reboots=5) |
![]() | |
void | Connect () |
void | Disconnect () |
Task | ConnectAsync () |
Task | DisconnectAsync () |
Task | RegisterOrderAsync (Order order) |
Task | ModifyOrderAsync (Order order, Order newOrder) |
Task | CancelOrderAsync (Order order) |
void | CancelOrder (Order order) |
void | RegisterOrder (Order order) |
void | ModifyOrder (Order order, Order neworder) |
Модификация цены ордера. | |
Order | TryGetOrder (long extId) |
Position | GetPosition (Portfolio portfolio, Security security, TPlusLimits? tPlusLimit) |
Task | ClosePositionAsync (Position position) |
Task | ClosePositionsAsync (Portfolio portfolio) |
void | SubscribeToMarketData (IEnumerable< Security > securities, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
void | SubscribeToMarketData (Security security, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
Подписка на маркет дату | |
void | UnsubscribeFromMarketData (IEnumerable< Security > securities, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
void | UnsubscribeFromMarketData (Security security, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
Отписка от маркет даты | |
void | SearchSecurities (SecurityFilter filter) |
Найти инструменты по заданному фильтру. | |
Task< IEnumerable< Security > > | SearchSecuritiesAsync (SecurityFilter filter) |
IEnumerable< string > | GetRoutes (Security security) |
IEnumerable< Portfolio > | GetPortfolios (Security security) |
Task | ChangeMarginParametersAsync (Position position, bool? isolated=null, decimal? leverage=null) |
Switches position margin mode (isolated/cross) and/or trading leverage for it. | |
Task | ChangeIsolatedMarginAsync (Position position, decimal value) |
Adds or removes to isolated margin of a position. This method does not apply for crossed margin mode This method works only if Position.Risk property is not null. | |
decimal? | CalcLiquidationPrice (Position position, decimal margin) |
Allows to estimate Liquidation Price change for a margin. | |
decimal?? decimal maxRemovable | CalcIsolatedMarginChangeRange (Position position) |
decimal | ConvertCurrency (Security security, string currencyFrom, string currencyTo, decimal volume, decimal? limitPrice=null, bool roundToLotSize=true) |
Converts volume from one currency to another Used for Notional value calculation. | |
decimal? | CalcMaxOrderVolume (OrderTypes orderType, Security security, Portfolio portfolio, OrderDirections direction, decimal? limitPrice=null) |
Gets max possible volume for the order This function is always return null if IsSupportedMaxOrderCalculation is false. | |
decimal? | CalcOrderCost (OrderTypes orderType, Security security, Portfolio portfolio, OrderDirections direction, decimal? limitPrice, decimal volume, out object? detailing, bool giveDetailing=false) |
Calculates total order cost including commissions and initial margin and everything else This function is always return null if IsSupportedMaxOrderCalculation is false. | |
ISecurityTradingOptions? | GetSecurityTradingOptions (Security security) |
Gets possible TimeInForce for order and optional flags that may be passed when order is created If null default behaviour is expected: TimeInForce = DAY, GTC, FOK No order flags | |
Task< IEnumerable< MyTrade > > | GetMyTradesAsync (Portfolio portfolio, Security security, DateTime from, DateTime to) |
Get a list of my trades. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
string | GetKey () |
string | GetSecret () |
![]() | |
BaseConnector () | |
BaseConnector (long initialId) | |
BaseConnector () | |
BaseConnector (long initialId) | |
virtual Task | OnConnectAsync () |
virtual void | OnConnect () |
A place for connection routines Executed on thread-pool thread. | |
void | OnConnected () |
Raises Connected event The event must be called when the connector have all necessary connections established and authenticated All security objects must be processed before this call if possible If there were any subscriptions, search for that securities will be performed. | |
virtual Task | OnDisconnectAsync () |
virtual void | OnDisconnect () |
Called on thread-pool thread when Disconnect() method is invoked. | |
void | OnDisconnected () |
Cleans up base resources and raises Disconnected event. | |
void | OnConnectionError (Exception error) |
Remember the error that will be handled when the OnDisconnected is called. | |
void | Enqueue (TMessage message) |
void | Enqueue (Action action) |
abstract void | OnProcess (TMessage message) |
Handles queued messages by the MessageQueue In case of SimpleMessageQueue it allows to process all messages in the special connector's queue thread. | |
virtual void | OnSendHeartbeat () |
void | ProcessSecurity (TSecurityKey id, Action< Security > action) |
Security? | GetSecurity (TSecurityKey securityId) |
Portfolio? | GetPortfolio (TPortfolioKey portfolioKey) |
Portfolio | ProcessPortfolio< T > (TPortfolioKey id, string accountId, T message, Action< T, Portfolio > update) |
void | ProcessPortfolio< T > (TPortfolioKey id, T message, Action< T, Portfolio > update, bool throwIfNotFound=false) |
void | ProcessPosition< T > (TPortfolioKey accountId, TSecurityKey securityId, TPlusLimits? tPlusLimit, T message, Func< T, bool, TSecurityPositionManager, bool > update) |
void | ProcessPosition< T > (TPortfolioKey accountId, TSecurityKey securityId, T? message, Func< T, bool, TSecurityPositionManager, bool > update) |
void | ProcessSecurity< T > (TSecurityKey id, string securityId, T message, Action< T, bool, Security > update) |
Converts internal security object of the connector into the ATAS-security visible to the system. | |
void | ProcessBestBidAsk (TSecurityKey securityId, DateTime time, MarketDataType type, decimal price, decimal volume, string ecn="") |
void | ProcessBestBidAsk (Security security, DateTime time, MarketDataType type, decimal price, decimal volume, string ecn="") |
void | ProcessBestBidAsk (TSecurityKey securityId, MarketDepth marketDepth) |
void | ProcessBestBidAsk (MarketDepth marketDepth) |
void | ProcessTick (TSecurityKey securityId, long id, DateTime time, TradeDirection direction, decimal price, decimal volume, string ecn="", decimal? openInterest=null) |
void | ProcessTick (Security security, long id, DateTime time, TradeDirection direction, decimal price, decimal volume, string ecn="", decimal? openInterest=null) |
void | ProcessTick (TSecurityKey securityId, Trade trade) |
void | ProcessTick (Security security, Trade trade) |
void | ProcessTick (Trade trade) |
void | ProcessMarketDepthsReset (TSecurityKey securityId, ICollection< MarketDepth > depth) |
void | ProcessMarketDepths (TSecurityKey securityId, Func< Security, ICollection< MarketDepth > > action) |
void | ProcessMarketDepths (Security security, Func< Security, ICollection< MarketDepth > > action) |
void | ProcessMarketByOrder (MarketByOrder mbo) |
void | ProcessOrder< T > (TPortfolioKey accountId, TSecurityKey securityId, long extId, T message, Action< T, bool, Order > update) |
void | ProcessOrder< T > (TPortfolioKey accountId, TSecurityKey securityId, long extId, T message, Func< T, bool, Order, bool?> update) |
void | ProcessOrder< T > (long extId, T message, Action< T, Order > update) |
void | ProcessOrderError (Order order, string error) |
void | ProcessOrderError (long extId, string error) |
void | ProcessOrder (long extId, Action< Order > process) |
void | ProcessMyTrade< T > (TPortfolioKey accountId, TSecurityKey securityId, long extId, string orderId, string tradeId, T message, Action< T, MyTrade > update) |
void | ProcessMyTrade< T > (long extId, string orderId, string tradeId, T message, Action< T, MyTrade > update) |
void | ProcessMyTrade< T > (long extId, string tradeId, T message, Action< T, MyTrade > update) |
void | ClearDataForPortfolio (Portfolio portfolio) |
virtual TSecurityPositionManager | CreatePositionManager (Position position) |
virtual void | PositionPnLChanged (Position position) |
void | RaiseRebateResult (RebateResult result) |
void | RaiseConnected () |
void | RaiseDisconnected () |
void | RaisePosition (TSecurityPositionManager posManager, bool isNew) |
void | RaiseOrder (Order order, bool isNew) |
void | RaiseOrderFailed (Order order, string error) |
void | RaiseSearchSecuritiesResult (SecurityFilter filter, Exception? error, IEnumerable< Security > securities) |
void | RaiseRegisterSecurityResult (Security security, SubscriptionType subscriptionType, Exception? error) |
void | RaiseSubscribeMarketDataResult (IEnumerable< Security > securities, Exception error) |
void | RaiseUnsubscribeMarketDataResult (IEnumerable< Security > securities, Exception error) |
void | RaiseNews (News news) |
void | RaiseSecurityChanged (Security security) |
SubscriptionType | GetCurrentSubscription (Security security) |
virtual void | OnSearchSecurities (TSecurityKey securityId, TMessage message) |
abstract void | OnSearchSecurities (SecurityFilter filter) |
abstract void | OnSearchSecurities (TSecurityKey securityId) |
virtual void | OnSubscribeMarketData (IEnumerable< Security > securities, SubscriptionType subscription) |
abstract void | OnSubscribeMarketData (Security security, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
virtual void | OnUnsubscribeFromMarketData (IEnumerable< Security > securities, SubscriptionType subscription) |
abstract void | OnUnsubscribeMarketData (Security security, SubscriptionType subscriptionTypes) |
virtual IEnumerable< string > | OnGetRoutes (Security security) |
virtual IEnumerable< Portfolio > | OnGetPortfolios (Security security) |
abstract void | OnRegisterOrder (Order order) |
virtual void | OnModifyOrder (Order order, Order newOrder) |
abstract void | OnCancelOrder (Order order, long extId) |
void | RememberPendingOrders () |
virtual async Task | OnClosePosition (Position position) |
virtual async Task | OnClosePositions (Portfolio portfolio) |
virtual Order | CreateOrderToClosePosition (Position pos) |
virtual Task | OnChangeMarginParametersAsync (Position position, bool? isIsolated, decimal? leverage) |
virtual Task | OnChangeIsolatedMarginAsync (Position position, decimal value) |
virtual decimal | OnConvertCurrency (Security security, string currencyFrom, string currencyTo, decimal volume, decimal? limitPrice=null, bool roundToLotSize=true) |
Converts volume from one currency to another Used for Notional value calculation. | |
virtual ? decimal | OnCalcMaxOrderVolume (OrderTypes orderType, Security security, Portfolio portfolio, OrderDirections direction, decimal? limitPrice=null) |
virtual ? decimal | OnCalcOrderCost (OrderTypes orderType, Security security, Portfolio portfolio, OrderDirections direction, decimal? limitPrice, decimal volume, out object? detailing, bool giveDetailing=false) |
virtual ? ISecurityTradingOptions | OnGetSecurityTradingOptions (Security security) |
virtual Task< IEnumerable< MyTrade > > | OnGetMyTradesAsync (Portfolio portfolio, Security security, DateTime from, DateTime to) |
void | ValidateTradesHistoryRequestDates (ref DateTime from, DateTime to, int depthLimitMonths) |
virtual Task<(DateTime serverTime, DateTime localTime, TimeSpan latency)> | GetApiServerTime (CancellationToken cancellationToken) |
async Task | ProcessAutoRefreshSecurities () |
virtual async Task | OnRefreshSecuritiesAsync () |
bool | TryGetPosition (Order order, out Position position) |
bool | TryGetPosition (Portfolio portfolio, Security security, out Position position) |
bool | TryGetPosition (Portfolio portfolio, Security security, TPlusLimits limits, out Position position) |
void | UpdatePositionsPnL (Security security, MarketDataType type, decimal price) |
Properties | |
SecureString? | ApiKey [get, set] |
SecureString? | Secret [get, set] |
bool | MarketDataOnly [get, set] |
![]() | |
IIdGenerator | IdGenerator [get] |
IEnumerable< TSecurityPositionManager > | PositionManagers [get] |
ITimeSyncManager | TimeSyncManager [get] |
abstract bool | IsSupportedServerOCO [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор серверные ОСО ордера | |
abstract bool | IsSupportedStopOrders [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор стоп ордера | |
abstract bool | IsSupportedTradingFunctions [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор торговые функции | |
abstract bool | IsSupportedRussianMarket [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор инструменты Российского рынка | |
abstract bool | IsSupportedAmericanFutures [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор американские фьючерсы | |
abstract bool | IsSupportedAmericanStocks [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор американские стоки | |
virtual bool | IsSupportedCrypto [get] |
virtual bool | IsSupportedMaxOrderCalculation [get] |
virtual bool | IsSupportedServerTime [get] |
bool | MarketDataStreamEnabled [get, set] |
Отправлять ли маркет дату в BestBidAskUpdates,MarketDepthsUpdate,NewTrades. | |
bool | AllowUpdatePositionsPnL [get, set] |
MarketDataDelayPeriods | MarketDataDelayPeriod [get, set] |
Gets or sets delay period for market data. | |
IEntityFactory | Factory [get, set] |
Фабрика объектов для создания Security, Portfolio и т.д. | |
ITimeSyncManager? | DefaultTimeSyncManager [get, set] |
Default ITimeSyncManager to get time difference with NTP server. | |
string | DataPath [get, set] |
IMessageQueue< TMessage > | MessageQueue [get, set] |
IEnumerable< Security > | Securities [get] |
IEnumerable< Portfolio > | Portfolios [get] |
IEnumerable< MyTrade > | MyTrades [get] |
IEnumerable< Order > | Orders [get] |
IEnumerable< Position > | Positions [get] |
bool | IsConnected [get, protected set] |
True, если все соединения подключены. | |
ConnectionStates | ConnectionState [get] |
Текущее состояние подключения коннектора. | |
ReconnectionTimer | ReconnectionTimer [get] |
bool | ReconnectOnFirstConnect [get, set] |
bool | ServerMode [get, set] |
bool | DataServerMode [get, set] |
TimeSpan | HeartbeatTimeout [get, set] |
TimeOnly? | RefreshSecuritiesTime [get, set] |
virtual bool | HasPendingActions [get] |
IConnectorLatencyManager | LatencyManager [get] |
Latency manager. | |
bool | IsFullLicense [get, set] |
License type. | |
bool | NeedRebatesCheck [get, set] |
Has rebate check feature. | |
Guid | Id [get] |
![]() | |
SecureString? | ApiKey [get, set] |
SecureString? | Secret [get, set] |
bool | MarketDataOnly [get, set] |
![]() | |
Guid | Id [get] |
bool | IsSupportedServerOCO [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор серверные ОСО ордера | |
bool | IsSupportedStopOrders [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор стоп ордера | |
bool | IsSupportedTradingFunctions [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор торговые функции | |
bool | IsConnected [get] |
ConnectionStates | ConnectionState [get] |
Текущее состояние подключения коннектора. | |
MarketDataDelayPeriods | MarketDataDelayPeriod [get, set] |
Gets or sets delay period for market data. | |
bool | IsSupportedRussianMarket [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор инструменты Российского рынка | |
bool | IsSupportedAmericanFutures [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор американские фьючерсы | |
bool | IsSupportedAmericanStocks [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор американские фьючерсы | |
bool | IsSupportedCrypto [get] |
Поддерживает ли коннектор крипто инструменты | |
bool | IsSupportedMaxOrderCalculation [get] |
Does connector support max order calculation for the instrument This feature enables percentage slider under the volume input box Affects CalcMaxOrderVolume and CalcOrderCost methods. | |
bool | IsSupportedServerTime [get] |
Does connector supports getting exchange server time. | |
bool | MarketDataStreamEnabled [get, set] |
Отправлять ли маркет дату в BestBidAskUpdates,MarketDepthsUpdate,NewTrades. | |
bool | AllowUpdatePositionsPnL [get, set] |
IEntityFactory | Factory [get, set] |
Фабрика объектов для создания Security, Portfolio и т.д. | |
ITimeSyncManager? | DefaultTimeSyncManager [get, set] |
Default ITimeSyncManager to get time difference with NTP server. | |
string | DataPath [get, set] |
IConnectorLatencyManager | LatencyManager [get] |
Latency manager. | |
bool | IsFullLicense [get, set] |
License type. | |
bool | NeedRebatesCheck [get, set] |
Has rebate check feature. | |
IEnumerable< Security > | Securities [get] |
IEnumerable< Portfolio > | Portfolios [get] |
IEnumerable< MyTrade > | MyTrades [get] |
IEnumerable< Order > | Orders [get] |
IEnumerable< Position > | Positions [get] |
TimeOnly? | RefreshSecuritiesTime [get, set] |
bool | HasPendingActions [get] |
bool | ServerMode [get, set] |
bool | DataServerMode [get, set] |
bool | ReconnectOnFirstConnect [get, set] |
void ATAS.DataFeedsCore.CryptoBaseConnector< TMessage, TPortfolioKey, TSecurityKey >.CheckClientMode | ( | ) |
pure virtual |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.
Task ATAS.DataFeedsCore.CryptoBaseConnector< TMessage, TPortfolioKey, TSecurityKey >.DropMarketDataConnectionCoupleTimes | ( | int | reboots | ) |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.
pure virtual |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.
pure virtual |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.
pure virtual |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.
protected |
protected |
getset |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.
getset |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.
getset |
Implements ATAS.DataFeedsCore.ICryptoKeySecretConnector.