Represents an abstract class for a chart strategy that extends the functionality of an Indicator and implements the IChartStrategy and ILoggerSource interfaces.
void | Start () |
void | Suspend () |
void | Stop () |
void | StopWithNotification (string message) |
| Stops the strategy with a notification message.- Parameters
message | The message to be displayed as a notification. |
Task | StartAsync () |
| Starts the strategy, allowing it to execute its trading logic.
Task | SuspendAsync () |
Task | StopAsync () |
| Stops the strategy, terminating its execution and releasing any resources.
async Task | StopWithNotificationAsync (string message) |
async Task | OpenOrderAsync (Order order) |
| Opens an order for the strategy asynchronously.- Parameters
order | The order to be opened. |
async void | OpenOrder (Order order) |
| Opens an order for the strategy.- Parameters
order | The order to be opened. |
async Task | ModifyOrderAsync (Order order, Order newOrder) |
| Modifies an existing order for the strategy asynchronously.- Parameters
order | The order to be modified. |
newOrder | The new order with updated parameters. |
async void | ModifyOrder (Order order, Order newOrder) |
| Modifies an existing order for the strategy.- Parameters
order | The order to be modified. |
newOrder | The new order with updated parameters. |
async Task | CancelOrderAsync (Order order) |
| Cancels an existing order for the strategy asynchronously.- Parameters
order | The order to be canceled. |
async void | CancelOrder (Order order) |
| Cancels an existing order for the strategy.- Parameters
order | The order to be canceled. |
virtual void | RefreshData () |
| Refreshes the data of the indicator. Override this method to update the indicator's data when necessary.
void | Draw (RenderContext context, DrawingLayouts layout) |
override void | Dispose () |
void | ApplyDefaultColors () |
| Applies default colors to the drawing elements.
void | SubscribeToTimer (TimeSpan period, Action callback) |
| Registers the callback and periodically calls it with specified period.- Parameters
period | A period of market data time used to repeatedly invoke the callback. |
callback | A method that is called each time a specified period of market data time passes. |
void | UnsubscribeFromTimer (TimeSpan period, Action callback) |
| Unregister the callback from periodic invocations.- Parameters
period | Subscribed period of invocations. |
callback | A method to be unregistered. |
virtual void | Dispose () |
override string | ToString () |
| Converts the current instance of the indicator to its string representation.
virtual bool | ProcessMouseClick (RenderControlMouseEventArgs e) |
| Processes a mouse click event on the chart object.
virtual bool | ProcessMouseWheel (int delta) |
| Processes a mouse wheel event on the chart object.
virtual bool | ProcessMouseDown (RenderControlMouseEventArgs e) |
| Processes a mouse down event on the chart object.
virtual bool | ProcessMouseUp (RenderControlMouseEventArgs e) |
| Processes a mouse up event on the chart object.
virtual bool | ProcessMouseMove (RenderControlMouseEventArgs e) |
| Processes a mouse move event on the chart object.
virtual bool | ProcessMouseDoubleClick (RenderControlMouseEventArgs e) |
| Processes a mouse double click event on the chart object.
virtual StdCursor | GetCursor (RenderControlMouseEventArgs e) |
| Gets the cursor to display when the mouse is over the chart object.
virtual bool | ProcessKeyDown (CrossKeyEventArgs e) |
| Processes a key down event on the chart object.
virtual bool | ProcessKeyUp (CrossKeyEventArgs e) |
| Processes a key up event on the chart object.
void | SubscribeToTimer (TimeSpan period, Action callback) |
| Registers the callback and periodically calls it with specified period.
void | UnsubscribeFromTimer (TimeSpan period, Action callback) |
| Unregister the callback from periodic invocations.
void | StopWithNotification (string message) |
| Stops the strategy with a notification message.
void | OpenOrder (Order order) |
| Opens an order for the strategy.
void | ModifyOrder (Order order, Order newOrder) |
| Modifies an existing order for the strategy.
void | CancelOrder (Order order) |
| Cancels an existing order for the strategy.
Task | OpenOrderAsync (Order order) |
| Opens an order for the strategy asynchronously.
Task | ModifyOrderAsync (Order order, Order newOrder) |
| Modifies an existing order for the strategy asynchronously.
Task | CancelOrderAsync (Order order) |
| Cancels an existing order for the strategy asynchronously.
Task | StartAsync () |
| Starts the strategy, allowing it to execute its trading logic.
Task | StopAsync () |
| Stops the strategy, terminating its execution and releasing any resources.
| ChartStrategy (bool useCandles=false) |
| Protected constructor for the ChartStrategy class.
void | RaiseShowNotification (string message, string title=null, LoggingLevel level=LoggingLevel.Info) |
| Raises a notification message with the specified message , title (optional), and logging level level . If the title is not provided, the name of the strategy is used as the title. Depending on the logging level, the message is logged using the corresponding logging method (Info, Warning, or Error). Finally, the ShowNotification event is raised to notify subscribers about the notification.
bool | SetProperty< TValue > (ref TValue storage, TValue newValue, string propertyName, Action< TValue, TValue > onChanged=null) |
| Sets the value of a property propertyName to newValue . If the new value is different from the current value, the property is updated and a PropertyChanged event is raised. Additionally, if an onChanged action is provided, it will be invoked with the old and new values after the property has been updated. Returns true if the property was updated, false otherwise.
decimal | ShrinkPrice (decimal price) |
| Rounds the given price price to the nearest tick size of the security and returns the result.
override void | OnContainerChanged (IIndicatorContainer container) |
| This method is called when the value of the Container property changes.- Parameters
override void | OnDataProviderChanged (IIndicatorDataProvider oldDataProvider, IIndicatorDataProvider newDataProvider) |
| This method is called when the value of the DataProvider property changes.- Parameters
override void | OnBestBidAskChanged (MarketDataArg depth) |
| Handles changes in the best bid or ask prices in the market depth represented by a MarketDataArg object.- Parameters
override void | OnNewMyTrade (MyTrade myTrade) |
| Called when a new trade executed by the indicator's own strategy is received.- Parameters
myTrade | The new trade executed by the indicator's own strategy. |
virtual void | OnStarted () |
| Method called when the strategy is started.
virtual void | OnSuspended () |
| Method called when the strategy is suspended.
virtual void | OnStopping () |
| Method called when the strategy is stopping.
virtual void | OnStopped () |
| Method called when the strategy is stopped.
virtual void | OnCurrentPositionChanged () |
| Method called when the volume of the current position changes.
virtual bool | CanProcess (int bar) |
| Determines if the strategy can process data for the specified bar.
| Indicator (bool useCandles=false) |
| Indicator (DataSeriesType seriesType) |
bool | IsNewSession (int bar) |
| Function returns new session flag.
bool | IsNewWeek (int bar) |
| Function returns new week flag.
bool | IsNewMonth (int bar) |
| Function returns new month flag.
DrawingText | AddText (string tag, string text, bool isAbovePrice, int bar, decimal price, Color textColor, Color outlineColor, Color fillColor, float fontSize, DrawingText.TextAlign align, bool autoSize=false) |
| Adds a drawing text element to the chart at the specified position.
DrawingText | AddText (string tag, string text, bool isAbovePrice, int bar, decimal price, Color textColor, Color fillColor, float fontSize, DrawingText.TextAlign align, bool autoSize=false) |
| Adds a drawing text element to the chart at the specified position.
void | DoActionInGuiThread (Action action) |
| Executes the specified action on the GUI thread.
IEnumerable< MarketDataArg > | GetMarketDepthSnapshot () |
DrawingText | AddText (string tag, string text, bool isAbovePrice, int bar, int price, int yOffset, int xOffset, Color textcolor, Color outlinecolor, Color fillcolor, float fontSize, DrawingText.TextAlign align, bool autoSize=false) |
override void | OnApplyDefaultColors () |
| Invoked to apply default colors to the drawing elements.This method can be overridden in derived classes to customize or set default color values for the drawing elements. When this method is called, it is an opportunity for the derived class to apply its own default color scheme to the drawing elements used in the specific implementation.
| ExtendedIndicator (bool useCandles=false) |
| ExtendedIndicator (DataSeriesType seriesType) |
virtual void | OnContainerChanged (IIndicatorContainer container) |
| This method is called when the value of the Container property changes.
virtual void | OnDataProviderChanged (IIndicatorDataProvider oldDataProvider, IIndicatorDataProvider newDataProvider) |
| This method is called when the value of the DataProvider property changes.
virtual void | OnPortfolioChanged (Portfolio portfolio) |
| This method is called when the value of the Portfolio changes.
virtual void | OnPositionChanged (Position position) |
| This method is called when the value of the Position changes.
virtual void | OnNewOrder (Order order) |
| This method is called when a new order is received.
virtual void | OnOrderChanged (Order order) |
| Called when an existing order is modified (changed).
virtual void | OnNewMyTrade (MyTrade myTrade) |
| Called when a new trade executed by the indicator's own strategy is received.
virtual void | OnOrderRegisterFailed (Order order, string message) |
| Called when an attempt to register (place) a new order fails.
virtual void | OnOrderCancelFailed (Order order, string message) |
| Called when an attempt to cancel an existing order fails.
virtual void | OnOrderModifyFailed (Order order, Order newOrder, string error) |
| Called when an attempt to modify an existing order fails.
virtual void | OnRender (RenderContext context, DrawingLayouts layout) |
| Override this method for implementing your own data rendering logic.
void | SubscribeToDrawingEvents (DrawingLayouts flags) |
| Method for specifying the list of layouts in which rendering will be performed.
void | RedrawChart (RedrawArg? redrawArg=null) |
| Call to redraw chart.
void | AddAlert (string soundFile, string instrument, string message, CrossColor background, CrossColor foreground) |
| Adds an alert for a specific instrument with custom properties.
void | AddAlert (string soundFile, string message) |
| Adds an alert with the specified sound file and message to the chart.
DrawingText | AddText (string tag, string text, bool isAbovePrice, int bar, decimal price, int yOffset, int xOffset, Color textColor, Color outlineColor, Color fillColor, float fontSize, DrawingText.TextAlign align, bool autoSize=false) |
| Adds a drawing text element to the chart at the specified position.
override void | RecalculateValues () |
| Recalculate the indicator values on each bar.
IndicatorCandle | GetCandle (int bar) |
| Gets the IndicatorCandle object at the specified bar index.
override void | Calculate (int bar, decimal value) |
| Performs the calculation for the indicator at the specified bar and value.- Parameters
bar | The bar number for which the calculation is performed. |
value | The input value from the data series at the specified bar. |
virtual void | OnNewTrades (IEnumerable< MarketDataArg > trades) |
| Handles a collection of new trade data represented by MarketDataArg objects.
virtual void | OnNewTrade (MarketDataArg trade) |
| Handles an individual trade represented by a MarketDataArg object.
virtual void | OnBestBidAskChanged (MarketDataArg depth) |
| Handles changes in the best bid or ask prices in the market depth represented by a MarketDataArg object.
virtual void | MarketDepthsChanged (IEnumerable< MarketDataArg > depths) |
| Handles changes in multiple market depths represented by an IEnumerable<MarketDataArg>.
virtual void | MarketDepthChanged (MarketDataArg depth) |
| Handles changes in a single market depth represented by a MarketDataArg object.
virtual void | OnCumulativeTrade (CumulativeTrade trade) |
| Handles a cumulative trade event represented by a CumulativeTrade object.
virtual void | OnUpdateCumulativeTrade (CumulativeTrade trade) |
| Handles an update event for a cumulative trade represented by a CumulativeTrade object.
virtual void | OnCumulativeTradesResponse (CumulativeTradesRequest request, IEnumerable< CumulativeTrade > cumulativeTrades) |
| Called when a response for a cumulative trades request is received.
void | RequestForCumulativeTrades (CumulativeTradesRequest request) |
| Sends a request for cumulative trades data to the online data provider.
virtual void | OnFixedProfilesResponse (IndicatorCandle fixedProfile, FixedProfilePeriods period) |
virtual void | OnFixedProfilesResponse (IndicatorCandle fixedProfileScaled, IndicatorCandle fixedProfileOriginScale, FixedProfilePeriods period) |
| This method is called when the online data provider responds with fixed profile data. Override this method in derived classes to handle the received fixed profile data.
void | GetFixedProfile (FixedProfileRequest request) |
| Requests fixed profile data from the online data provider.
async Task< FixedProfileResponse?> | RequestFixedProfileAsync (FixedProfileRequest request) |
| Asynchronously requests a fixed market profile parameterized with FixedProfileRequest.
Task | SubscribeMarketByOrderData () |
| Subscribes to the market by order data.
ITradesCache | GetTradesCache (TimeSpan period) |
| Returns a trades cache.
IMarketByOrdersCache | GetMarketByOrdersCache (TimeSpan period) |
| Returns a market by order data cache.
IMarketByOrdersWithTradesCache | GetMarketByOrdersWithTradesCache (TimeSpan period) |
| Returns a market by order data and trades cache.
virtual void | OnMarketByOrdersChanged (IEnumerable< MarketByOrder > values) |
| Handles a collection of market by order data represented by MarketByOrder objects.
virtual void | OnApplyDefaultColors () |
| Invoked to apply default colors to the drawing elements.
| BaseIndicator (bool useCandles=false) |
virtual void | RecalculateValues () |
| Recalculate the indicator values on each bar.
virtual void | OnInitialize () |
| The method is executed before the first calculation.
virtual void | OnRecalculate () |
| The method is executed before a new calculation.
virtual void | OnFinishRecalculate () |
| The method is executed after the end of the calculation.
virtual void | Calculate (int bar, decimal value) |
| Performs the calculation for the indicator at the specified bar and value.
abstract void | OnCalculate (int bar, decimal value) |
| The main indicator calculation method is called for each bar on the history, then it is called on each tick.
void | Add (Indicator indicator) |
| Adds an indicator to the list of used indicators by this indicator.
void | Clear () |
| Clear all data series.
virtual void | OnSourceChanged () |
| This method is called when the SourceDataSeries property is changed.
void | RaisePropertyChanged (string propertyName) |
| Raises the PropertyChanged event for the specified property name.
void | RaisePropertyChanged (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) |
| Raises the PropertyChanged event with the specified event arguments.
void | RaisePanelPropertyChanged (string name) |
| Raises the PanelPropertyChanged event with the specified property name.
void | RaiseBarValueChanged (int bar) |
| Raises the BarValueChanged event with the specified bar value.
virtual void | OnDispose () |
| Called when the indicator is being disposed.
override void | OnVisibleChanged () |
| Called when the Visible property changes.
virtual void | OnVisibleChanged () |
| Called when the Visible property changes.
virtual void | LockedOnChanged () |
| Called when the Locked property changes.
void | SetProperty< TProperty > (ref TProperty store, TProperty value, Action onChanged=null, Func< TProperty, bool > onChanging=null, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName="") |
| Sets the value of a property and notifies subscribers if the value has changed.
void | SetTrackedProperty< TProperty > (ref TProperty store, TProperty value, Action< string > onChanged=null, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName="") |
| Sets the value of a property that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and notifies subscribers if the value has changed.
virtual void | OnChangeProperty ([CallerMemberName] string propertyName="") |
| Notifies subscribers when a property value changes.
IEnumerable< Order > | Orders [get] |
| Gets the collection of orders associated with this strategy.
IEnumerable< MyTrade > | MyTrades [get] |
| Gets the collection of trades associated with this strategy.
StrategyStates | State [get, protected set] |
| Gets the current state of the strategy.
bool | IsActivated [get] |
decimal | CurrentPosition [get] |
| Gets the current position volume of the strategy.
decimal | AveragePrice [get] |
| Gets the average price of the strategy's trades.
decimal | OpenPnL [get] |
| Gets the open profit and loss of the strategy.
decimal | ClosedPnL [get] |
| Gets the closed profit and loss of the strategy.
Security | Security [get, set] |
Portfolio | Portfolio [get, set] |
TPlusLimits? | TPlusLimit [get, set] |
MarketDataArg | BestBid [get] |
| Gets the best bid market data associated with this chart strategy.
MarketDataArg | BestAsk [get] |
| Gets the best ask market data associated with this chart strategy.
IDataFeedConnector | Connector [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the data feed connector for the strategy.
Guid | LoggerId [get, set] |
string | LoggerName [get, set] |
LoggingLevel | LoggingLevel [get, set] |
ILoggerSource | ParentLoggerSource [get, set] |
ICachedCollection< ILoggerSource > | ChildLoggerSources = new SyncList<ILoggerSource>() [get] |
string? | Category [get] |
IInstrumentInfo? | InstrumentInfo [get] |
| Gets the instrument information associated with the data provider.
ITradingManager? | TradingManager [get] |
| Gets the trading manager associated with the data provider.
IPlatformSettings? | PlatformSettings [get] |
| Gets the platform settings associated with the data provider.
IMarketDepthInfoProvider? | MarketDepthInfo [get] |
| Gets the market depth information provider associated with the data provider.
IChart? | ChartInfo [get] |
| Gets the chart information associated with the data provider.
ITradingStatisticsProvider? | TradingStatisticsProvider [get] |
| Gets the trading statistics provider associated with the data provider.
Rectangle | ChartArea [get] |
| Gets the rectangle representing the chart area on the screen.
IMouseLocationInfo | MouseLocationInfo [get] |
| Gets the information about the mouse location on the chart.
int | FirstVisibleBarNumber [get] |
| Gets the bar number of the first visible bar on the chart.
int | LastVisibleBarNumber [get] |
| Gets the bar number of the last visible bar on the chart.
int | VisibleBarsCount [get] |
| Gets the number of visible bars on the chart.
decimal | CumulativeDomAsks [get] |
decimal | CumulativeDomBids [get] |
string? | Instrument [get] |
| Instrument name.
decimal | TickSize [get] |
| TickSize.
string | DataPath [get] |
| Path to the working program folder.
int | ValueAreaPercent [get] |
string? | ChartType [get] |
| Chart type.
string? | TimeFrame [get] |
| Timeframe.
string | StringFormat [get] |
| Price format.
bool | FullScreenMode [get, set] |
| Gets or sets full screen mode for the indicator. Could be applied only to the vertical indicators('IsVerticalIndicator = true')
bool | DenyToChangePanel [get, set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether changing the indicator's panel is denied. For vertical indicators, it is always denied.
bool | DrawAbovePrice [get, set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom painting should be performed on top of rendered bars.
bool | EnableCustomDrawing [get, protected set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom drawing is enabled for the indicator.
bool | ShowDescription [get, set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the description of the indicator should be shown.
IIndicatorContainer? | Container [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the container in which the indicator is hosted.
IIndicatorDataProvider? | DataProvider [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the data provider for the indicator.
List< LineTillTouch > | HorizontalLinesTillTouch = new() [get] |
| Gets the collection of horizontal lines used to track touch points on the chart.
List< TrendLine > | TrendLines = new() [get] |
| Gets the collection of trend lines on the chart.
List< DrawingRectangle > | Rectangles = new() [get] |
| Gets the collection of rectangles on the chart.
SyncDictionary< string, DrawingText > | Labels = new() [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the collection of named drawing text elements.
IEnumerable< MarketByOrder > | MarketByOrders [get] |
| Gets a snapshot of the current market by order data.
DateTime | MarketTime [get] |
| Current market time.
DateTime | UtcTime [get] |
| Current UTC time.
static ? PerformanceDiagnoser | PerformanceDiagnoser [get] |
| Indicator performance tracker.
static bool | UseProfiling [get, set] |
| Set to true to measure the performance of all indicators.
string | Name [get, set] |
| Name of the indicator.
bool | IsDisposed [get, set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the indicator object has been disposed of.
List< IDataSeries > | DataSeries [get] |
| List of data series used by the indicator.
bool | SupportsExtendedSeries [get] |
| Gets value indicating whether the data series can be drawn out of chart bars.
List< LineSeries > | LineSeries [get] |
| List of line series used by the indicator.
string | Panel [get, set] |
| The name of the panel where the indicator is placed.
bool | IsVerticalIndicator [get, set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the indicator is intended to be displayed as a vertical indicator.
bool | UseCandles [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether the indicator uses candle data series.
int | CurrentBar [get] |
| Bars number. All bars and the values of the corresponding data series have a serial number. The earliest bar of the chart is assigned the number 0; the next bar is assigned the number 1, and so on.
IDataSeries< decimal >? | SourceDataSeries [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the data series used as the source for the indicator's calculations.
decimal | this[int index] [get, protected set] |
| Gets or sets the value of the first data series of the indicator at the specified index.
bool | Visible [get, set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart object is visible.
bool | Locked [get, set] |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart object is locked.
bool | AllowedInteraction [get] |
| Gets a value indicating whether interaction with the chart object is allowed.
DateTime | MarketTime [get] |
| Current market time.
DateTime | UtcTime [get] |
| Current UTC time.
IEnumerable< Order > | Orders [get] |
| Gets the collection of orders associated with this strategy.
IEnumerable< MyTrade > | MyTrades [get] |
| Gets the collection of trades associated with this strategy.
string | Name [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the name of the strategy.
StrategyStates | State [get] |
| Gets the current state of the strategy.
decimal | CurrentPosition [get] |
| Gets the current position volume of the strategy.
decimal | AveragePrice [get] |
| Gets the average price of the strategy's trades.
decimal | OpenPnL [get] |
| Gets the open profit and loss of the strategy.
decimal | ClosedPnL [get] |
| Gets the closed profit and loss of the strategy.
Security | Security [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the security associated with the strategy.
Portfolio | Portfolio [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the portfolio associated with the strategy.
TPlusLimits? | TPlusLimit [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the T+ limits for the strategy.
IDataFeedConnector | Connector [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the data feed connector for the strategy.