▼NATAS | |
►NDataFeedsCore | |
►NCommissions | |
CCommissionGroup | |
CCommissionGroupItem | |
CCommissionRule | |
CCommissionRulesGroup | |
CCommissionRuleType | |
CICommissionRule | |
CPercentCommissionRule | |
CPerContractCommissionRule | |
CPerTradeCommissionRule | |
►NConnectorWebsocket | |
CConnectorWebsocket | |
CIRequestSerializer | |
CTaskQueue | |
CWebsocketException | |
►NDatabase | |
CCache | |
CDatabaseException | |
CDatabaseManager | |
CICache | |
CIDatabaseManager | |
CSettingsItem | |
►NDom | |
►CDomBuilder | Builds and maintains a DOM for a connector Allows to obtain best prices if connector does not give them |
CDomChangesTracker | |
CDomManager | Maintains Depth of Market state for the security |
CGroupDomManager | |
CIDomManager | |
CLimitDomManager | |
CPriceComparer | |
CScaleDomManager | |
►NExceptions | |
CConnectorNotConnectedException | |
CExchangeException | An exception means the Exchange sent us an logic error like violating business rules It allows us to separate network errors and logic errors |
CFatalConnectionErrorEcxeption | |
►NRebate | |
CIRebateInfo | |
CIRebateProvider | Allows to obtain user affiliation status needed to calculate correct commission rebates on crypto exchanges |
CWhiteListHttpClient | |
►NSessionServer | |
CISessionServer | |
CSessionInfo | |
CSessionServer | |
CSocketSession | |
►NStatistics | |
CAvgLossParameter | |
CAvgPnLParameter | |
CAvgProfitParameter | |
CCommissionParameter | |
CIStatisticsParameterGroup | |
CITradingStatistics | |
CITradingStatisticsProvider | |
CLossDaysParameter | |
CLossPnLParameter | |
CLossTradesParameter | |
CMaxDrawdownParameter | |
CMaxRelativeDrawdownParameter | |
CMyTradeQueue | |
CProfitDaysParameter | |
CProfitFactorParameter | |
CProfitPnLParameter | |
CProfitTradesParameter | |
CRecoveryFactorParameter | |
CStatisticsManager | |
CStatisticsParameter | |
CStatisticsParameterGroup | |
CTotalDaysParameter | |
CTotalPnLParameter | |
CTotalTradesParameter | |
CTradingStatistics | |
►NTradeStatistics | |
►NMatching | |
CTradesMatchingProcessor | |
CTradesProcessingLoggerSource | |
CTradesProcessingUnit | |
►CAsyncConnector | Connector base that allows to use await to switch to the connector queue thread |
CAsyncAwaiterFacade | Facade for SynchronizationContextAwaiter to allow explicit call of SwitchToConnectorThreadAsync() |
CAsyncAwaiterQueueFacade | Facade for SynchronizationContextQueueAwaiter to allow explicit call of ForceToConnectorThreadAsync() |
CConnectorSynchronizationContext | Custom synchronization context to forward await continuations to the connector queue |
CSynchronizationContextAwaiter | Custom awaiter to control continuation execution on the ConnectorSynchronizationContext |
CSynchronizationContextQueueAwaiter | Custom awaiter to control continuation execution on the ConnectorSynchronizationContext This awaiter always passes the continuation to the connector's queue |
CAsyncConnectorMessage | Service message for passing continuations to the connector thread |
CAsyncMessageQueue | |
CBaseConnector | |
CBaseMarketDataOnlyConnectorSettings | |
CBaseMessageQueue | |
CBasketConnector | |
CBasketConnectorSettings | |
CConnectionStateEventArgs | |
CConnectorLatencyManager | |
CCryptoAsyncConnector | |
CCryptoBaseConnector | |
CExchange | |
CGroupExchange | |
CHistoryMyTrade | Represents a historical trade record |
CIConnectorLatencyManager | |
CICryptoKeySecretConnector | |
CIDataFeedConnector | |
CIEntity | Represents an entity in the application |
CIEntityFactory | |
CIKnowSession | |
CILiquidationFeed | Provides liquidation orders stream for securities |
CIMarketByOrdersManager | Interface for manager that provides access to market by order data |
CIMarketDataPublisher | |
CIMarketDepth | Represents a market depth entry |
CIMessageQueue | |
CInstrumentExchange | |
CIOptionsDataFeed | |
CIOrderOptionCloseOnTrigger | Represents an order option for closing a position when triggered |
CIOrderOptionPostOnly | Represents an order option for placing a post-only order |
CIOrderOptionReduceOnly | Represents an order option for reducing the position size |
CIPasswordChanger | |
CISecurityPositionManager | |
CISecurityTradingOptions | Represents an interface for providing trading options related to a security or trading connector |
CISupportChangePosition | |
CISupportMarketDataOnly | |
CISupportResetPortfolio | |
CISupportTPlusLimits | |
CMarketByOrder | Market by Order (MBO) describes an order-based data feed that provides the ability to view individual queue position, full depth of book and the size of individual orders at each price level |
CMarketByOrdersManager | Manager that provides access to market by order data |
CMarketDepth | Represents a market depth entry |
CMarketDepthComparer | |
CMoney | Represents decimal amount in some currency |
CMultiConnectorMessageQueue | |
CMyTrade | Represents a trade entity in the system |
CNews | |
COptionSeries | |
COrder | Represents an order for trading on a financial exchange |
COvernightSwapValue | |
CPnLTradesQueue | |
CPortfolio | Represents a portfolio entity with various properties related to account balance, Profit and Loss (PnL), permissions, trading options, and more |
CPortfolioChange | |
CPortfolioGroup | Represents a portfolio group used in the application |
CPortfolioState | |
CPortfolioViewer | Represents a portfolio viewer used in the application |
CPosition | Represents a trading position |
CPositionState | |
CPositionTradesQueue | |
CPriceUnit | |
CSecurity | Represents a security entity used in the application |
CSecurityFilter | |
CSecurityMargin | |
CSecurityPositionManager | |
CSecurityRoute | |
CSecurityRouteCache | |
CSecurityTradingOptions | Each connector may have different order placement settings like TimeInForce or ReduceOnly etc. This class shows connector configuration |
CServerPnL | |
CSimpleMessageQueue | |
CSimpleMyTrade | |
CSubscriptionCounter | |
CSubscriptionManager | |
CTrade | Represents an tick on a financial exchange |
CTradesTimeChecker | |
CTradingOptions | |
CTradingOptionsSecurity | |
CUniversalMarketData | |
CUser | |
CUserChange | |
CUserChangeHistory | |
CUserGroup | |
CUserRole | |
CUserRoleRight | |
CVolumeUnit | |
CWorkingTime | |
►NIndicators | |
►NAttributies | |
CFeatureId | |
►NDrawing | |
CBaseDrawingText | Represents a base class for drawing text on a chart |
CDrawingRectangle | Represents a rectangle drawn on a chart |
CDrawingText | Represents a class for drawing text on a chart with additional alignment options |
CHorizontalChannel | Represents a horizontal line on a chart |
CHorizontalLine | Represents a horizontal line on a chart |
CLineTillTouch | Represents a trend line that extends until it is touched by the price |
CTrendLine | Represents a trend line on a chart |
►NFilters | |
►NConverters | |
CFilterBoolJsonConvert | |
CFilterColorJsonConverter | |
CFilterHeatmapTypesJsonConverter | |
CFilterIntJsonConverter | |
CFilterJsonConverter | |
CFilterJsonConverterBase | |
CFilterKeyJsonConvert | |
CFilterRangeIntJsonConverter | |
CFilterRangeJsonConverterBase | |
CFilterRenderPenJsonConverter | |
CFilterStringJsonConverter | |
CFilterTimeSpanJsonConvert | |
CTrackedPropertyBase | A base class for tracking property changes and notifying subscribers when a property value is modified |
CBaseDataSeries | Base generic data series class providing common functionality |
CBaseIndicator | Base class for custom indicators in a chart |
CCandle | Represents a candle in trading, which includes open, high, low, and close prices |
CCandleDataSeries | Represents a data series of candles. Each element in the series is a Candle |
CCandlePartSeries | Represents a data series of decimal values derived from specific parts of an IndicatorCandle created by an ICandleCreator |
CChartObject | Base class for objects in a chart |
CContainer | Represents a container with a defined region on the chart |
CCumulativeTrade | Represents a cumulative trade, which is a trade that includes multiple prints or executions |
CCumulativeTradesRequest | Represents a request to retrieve cumulative trade data within a specified time range or for a particular date |
CCustomValue | Represents a custom value with associated properties |
CCustomValueDataSeries | Represents a custom data series that holds CustomValue objects |
CExtendedIndicator | An extended base class for custom indicators that provide additional functionality for drawing, alerts, market data handling, etc |
CFilter | Generic filter class that implements the IFilterValue interface |
CFilterBase | Base class for filters implementing the IFilter interface |
CFilterBool | Represents a filter with a boolean value type. Inherits from Filter<TValue, TFilter> where TValue is set to bool and TFilter is set to FilterBool |
CFilterColor | Represents a filter with a value type of CrossColor. Inherits from Filter<TValue, TFilter> where TValue is set to CrossColor and TFilter is set to FilterColor |
CFilterEnum | |
CFilterHeatmapTypes | Represents a filter for heatmap types with custom JSON serialization/deserialization |
CFilterInt | Represents a filter for integer values with custom JSON serialization/deserialization |
CFilterKey | Represents a filter for key values with custom JSON serialization/deserialization |
CFilterRangeBase | Represents an abstract base class for filters that represent a range of values with custom JSON serialization/deserialization |
CFilterRangeInt | Represents a filter that represents a range of integer values with custom JSON serialization/deserialization |
CFilterRangeValue | Represents a range of values of type TValue with support for property change notifications |
CFilterRenderPen | Represents a filter for PenSettings objects with support for property change notifications |
CFilterString | Represents a filter for string values with support for property change notifications |
CFilterTimeSpan | Represents a filter for TimeSpan values with custom JSON serialization/deserialization |
CFixedProfileRequest | Represents a request for a fixed profile with a specific period |
CICandleCreator | Represents an interface for creating and managing indicator candles |
CIChart | Interface for a chart containing various chart-related information and methods |
CIChartColorsStore | Interface for accessing colors and pens used in a chart's rendering |
CIChartContainer | Interface for a chart container that holds chart-related information and methods |
CIChartCoordinatesManager | Interface for managing chart coordinates and scaling |
CIContainer | Interface for defining a container that represents a rectangular region |
CIDataSeries | Interface for data series, providing essential properties and methods |
CIDrawingObjectsListInfo | Interface for providing information about the list of drawing objects on the chart |
CIFilter | Represents a filter with common properties and functionality |
CIFilterEnum | |
CIFilterValue | Represents a filter with a flexible value that can hold data of any type. Inherits the properties of IFilter |
CIIndicatorContainer | Interface for an indicator container that holds indicator-related information and methods |
CIIndicatorDataProvider | Represents a data provider for an indicator, providing access to various data and services related to the indicator |
CIInstrumentInfo | Interface representing instrument information |
CIIntCandle | Represents an interface for an integer-based candle |
CIKeyboardInfo | Interface for providing information about the keyboard state |
CIKnowFixedProfiles | Represents an interface for objects that know fixed profiles and can request them |
CIMarketByOrdersCache | Interface for manager that provides access to market by orders cache |
CIMarketByOrdersDataProvider | Interface for manager that provides access to market by order data |
CIMarketByOrdersWithTradesCache | Interface for manager that provides access to market by orders and trades cache |
CIMarketDepthInfoProvider | Interface for providing market depth information |
CIMarketTimeProvider | |
CIMouseLocationInfo | Interface for providing information about the mouse location within the chart |
CIndicator | Base class for custom indicators |
CIndicatorCandle | Represents an Indicator Candle |
CIndicatorDataProvider | Implementation of the IIndicatorDataProvider interface that provides access to various data and services related to an indicator |
CIndicatorSeries | Represents a custom data series for an indicator, derived from BaseDataSeries<decimal> |
CINotifyPanelPropertyChanged | Notifies clients that a panel property value has changed |
CInstrumentInfo | Implementation of the IInstrumentInfo interface representing instrument information |
CIOnlineDataProvider | Interface for an online data provider that provides access to real-time market data |
CIPlatformSettings | Interface for accessing platform settings |
CIPropertiesEditor | |
CIPropertiesEditorOwner | |
CISupportedPriceInfo | Represents an interface for supporting price information |
CITimeMarketDataCache | Cache that holds recent items based on a specified amount of time |
CITradesCache | Interface for manager that provides access to trades cache |
CITradingManager | Interface representing a trading manager for handling trading-related operations |
CITradingVolumeInfo | Interface for providing information about the volume selector |
CIVolumeSelectorItem | Interface representing the volume template |
CLineSeries | Represents a horizontal line with a single value |
CMarketDataArg | Represents a data point in the market |
CMarketDepthInfoProvider | A class that implements the IMarketDepthInfoProvider interface to provide market depth information |
CMarketDepthSnapshot | Represents the end state of market depth over a specified time period |
CMarketDepthSnapshotRequest | Represents a request to retrieve a snapshot of the market depth for a specified time range |
CNotifyPropertyChangedBase | Base class for implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface |
CObjectDataSeries | Represents a data series of objects, allowing storing any type of data elements |
CPaintbarsDataSeries | Represents a data series of paintbars, each element is a nullable Color value |
CParameterAttribute | |
CPriceSelectionDataSeries | Represents a data series of price selection values, each element is a synchronized list of PriceSelectionValue |
CPriceSelectionValue | Represents a class for defining price level selection in clusters and bars. Using in PriceSelectionDataSeries |
CPriceVolumeInfo | Represents information on volumes at a specific price |
CRangeDataSeries | Represents a data series of range values, each element is a RangeValue |
CRangeValue | RangeDataSeries element |
CRedrawArg | Represents the arguments for requesting a redraw of a chart |
CValueArea | Represents information on Value area high/low |
CValueChangingEventArgs | Provides event arguments for a value changing event |
►CValueDataSeries | Represents a data series of decimal values, each element is a decimal |
CBarColors | Manages colors per bar for the associated ValueDataSeries |
►NStrategies | |
►NATM | |
CATMStrategy | |
CBaseStopProfitStrategy | |
CChangesInfo | |
CIATMStrategy | |
CISimpleStopProfitStrategy | |
CIStopProfitSettings | |
CIStopProfitStrategy | |
CIStrategyMarketDataProvider | |
CStopProfit | |
►NChart | |
CChartStrategy | Represents an abstract class for a chart strategy that extends the functionality of an Indicator and implements the IChartStrategy and ILoggerSource interfaces |
CIChartStrategy | Represents a chart strategy that extends the basic functionality of an IStrategy with additional chart-related features |
CSmaChartStrategy | |
►NEditors | |
CProtectionSettingsEditor | |
CIStrategy | Represents a trading strategy |
CStrategy | Base class for implementing trading strategies |
CStrategyNotificationEventArgs | Provides data for the StrategyNotification event |
CStrategyStateChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the StrategyStateChanged event |
▼NOFT | |
►NAttributes | |
►NEditors | |
CCheckEditorAttribute | Check box editor for object |
CComboBoxEditorAttribute | |
CDataSeriesEditorAttribute | |
CIsExpandedAttribute | |
CMaskAttribute | |
CNumericEditorAttribute | |
CPostValueModeAttribute | |
CSelectDirectoryEditorAttribute | |
CSelectFileEditorAttribute | |
CTextEditorAttribute | Represents an attribute that provides additional metadata for controlling text editors |
CFeatureIdAttribute | |
CHelpLinkAttribute | |
CIgnoreCloneAttribute | Ignore clone property or field |
CLogoAttribute | |
CMappingAttribute | |
CParameterAttribute | |
CReferralLinkAttribute | |
►NCore | |
CBaseConnectorSettings | |
CIConnectorSettings | |
CIConnectorSettingsAction | |
CILoginPasswordConnectorSettings | |
CReferralData |